
Shatter The Lights

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Shatter The Lights

Let me tell you, of a tale so ancient, it has been expunged from almost all memory entirely. A story so feared, that those who know of it – of most, at any rate – have been driven to madness from hallucination and the ever lasting state of paranoia they are plunged into. This is a tale of an ancient, but very real evil. Something many can deny, and few that can prove its authenticity. This… is the story of one of the very few REAL monsters.


There was a boy, quite some time ago, who lived in our village. I believe his name was… Thomas. Now, Thomas was quite well warned as well as prepared for the dangers as well as the consequences for letting one appear and get to you, yes he was. Alas, the candle lit in his room during one of the “Outages”, as well as the dagger under his pillow, and the gun in his father’s room was still not enough to save him from his untimely fate.

It was late in the night. Of course, like always, the power went out in the entire village. We were all well prepared with our already lit candles, torches, flashlights, and brilliantly shinning lanterns, including Thomas. We thought that our village was safe for the time being, considering that they don’t like the light.

We were wrong. To this day we’re not sure what happened. Perhaps a wind came and blew out Thomas’s candle… Perhaps he dropped it and extinguished the flame… or perhaps something entirely different happened. Regardless, we heard the tortured, agonizing screams of Thomas far too late. His candle was out, his parents were on patrol duty, and he was alone with one light.

When we reached Thomas, the beast was already gone, scared off by the light which we used to flood the room. There lay Thomas, his ribcage was ripped open, exposing everything in his chest, entrails were scattered everywhere. Thomas had a bloodied blade in his hand, but it was obvious it didn’t work. Everything from the waist down was completely gone, only a chunk of bone or a scrap of flesh was to be found on top of his intestines spilt out all over. Part of his face was eaten away as well. Teeth marks were imbedded in his arm, and much of his muscle was exposed.

Despite all of these injuries, he was still breathing. Thomas was alive, and in a great deal of pain. He couldn’t scream however, because the beast had already dislodged his jaw and eaten his tongue. I was there, holding Thomas’s bloodied hand as he died. We didn’t even bother fetching the medic, for we knew full well that no amount of medicine could fix him at this point. We could only sit around and wait. Wait for daylight, wait for salvation, and wait for Thomas’s Death.


Many other incidents like the one with Thomas have occurred over many years. Children such as Alison, Mark, Jason, Jessica, and many others. The same thing happens to all of them. They either walk into the shadows, or they drop their lantern, or they simply plain forget to light one. However, despite the warning after warning, prayers after prayers, we are still plagued with their existence, and I’m afraid that other villages, towns, cities, and continents are ridden with the same beasts from hell.

Although they have no officially given name, the people of my village call them “The Unmokes” Which stands for “The Ones Who Shatter Light”, because of their ability. Other people have given them the names of the “Boogeyman”, “Boomen”, “Things That Go Bump In The Night”, and other such foolish titles in order to dull the true terror that lurks in the darkness.

The Unmokes are an evil type of creature. They are all around us no matter what time of day or night it is. However, for the most part, they are in a ghastly, non-visible form, biding their time, and unable to harm corporeal beings. However, like many animals can sense emotions, the Unmokes can sense fear the most. In fact, they feed on fear. That is where they get their power.

It’s a perpetual problem. We fear the Unmokes more and more, which allows them to gather energy faster and faster, allowing them to tweak our universe. For you see, when an Unmoke gathers energy, they’re able to do rather insignificant things, like move furniture about a centimeter or so, or partially open up a door – which is why many who do not know of the Unmoke simply blame “The Wind” for opening or closing a door, I assure you, it is definitely NOT the wind.

Despite these tweaking events, what the Unmoke really like to do is cause lights to flicker. If an Unmoke gathers enough energy from fear, and they put their energy together, they are able to flicker lights to the point of a blackout. This is where it gets bad.

Because they become corporeal in Darkness.

Nobody knows what exactly an Unmoke looks like, because they can’t be seen in the Dark when they’re attacking something or somebody, and they are sure to reside on the outskirts of our candle light, just beyond sight’s reach. They are clever and crafty, and light burns away their corporeal form instantaneously, allowing them to disappear where there is light, and reappear where there is shadow.

Many stories have come about because of the Unmoke, such as Cave stories or attic stories, where a Hero sees something shift around in an attic or a cave, mostly because there is complete absence of light in those particular areas. Many feel comfortable by placing a physical description on an Unmoke because they are so feared and yet they can not be seen.

While it is true that Unmoke’s tamper with our universe, there are always many things you should keep in might when the sun goes down. For one, you should always have a lit candle or lantern in the area where you are. Unmoke’s may take a little while to materialize and find you in your house, but rest assured, they will most likely find you before you’re able to find a candle and light it.

Second, always remember to remain calm at all times, no matter what. If you become fearful at night, that will only perpetuate their energy and allow them to cause a blackout easier. This is especially difficult if you have children around who still have a phobia of the darkness, for they will also contribute to the energy of the Unmoke.

Third, be prepared even when there ISN’T a blackout. Blackouts are the primary time in which the Unmoke come out, but one has been known to merely come about by night every once in awhile, but only when its desperate. Street lights normally pose a very huge problem to Unmokes, since they may encounter an open window in which street light could shine through. With a full scale blackout, even the street lights will be down, and THAT is when humans are most vulnerable to their attacks. The reason why many have “Seen” an Unmoke in a cave or attic during daylight hours, is merely due to lack of total light. “Cave-ins” are merely another way of an Unmoke to tweak the universe.

Lastly, be certain to have a weapon with you, on top of the candle-light. It’s recommended that you have a gun or another lethal weapon with you in case your light gives out. If one materializes and attacks you, show no mercy and be sure you don’t hold back in any way what-so-ever.

The only other advice I could give you is that you most certainly do not want to become trapped in a dark room or house with one of the Unmoke. Being attacked is one of the worst things imaginable because…

They ARE Carnivorous, and they WILL eat you… Alive.

Sleep tight, and Good luck to you…
Fun fun fun to write man. I like the creepy factor to this story and how I tie it in with modern stories like "The Boogeyman" and such. I hope it gives ya guys the creeps. In fact, I KNOW it will! =D

Have fun. =)

(Idea inspired and assisted by ~Razoth )
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kitfairyqueer's avatar
I must say, this is wonderful. I love this concept of the "boogie man," very creative ;)